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The inspiration for my blogging comes from many different sources, however the one I most frequently rely on is personal experiences.  It seems that a theme or topic will come to mind and then all of a sudden there are people, experiences, supporting information that show up giving me the opportunity first and foremost to experience the “theme” and then the opportunity to write about it from my experience. It happened for this post on Happiness when I was told my “happiness meter” was being adjusted upward. In other words, my most frequent state of being was being adjusted to reflect a much greater allowing and experiencing of joyand happiness in my life. It is from this enhanced level of joy and happiness I would be more capable of creating and experiencing what I most desire in life.  I have been sharing the concept of all humans having a default setting for quite some time, but a happiness meter, really?

Let’s begin with a quick understanding of what is meant by a default setting. It is the setting or most consistent state of being in which we spend most of our waking hours. We might experience highs and lows in our level of energy or state of mind over the course of a day, but we will generally settle at a point or default setting that is  reflective of our overall state of being. An easy example of this is someone who is pessimistic or negative about most things. No matter what is going on they will state the most negative aspect or perspective possible without considering other more positive possibilities.  This isn’t to say that this person won’t have some positive experiences, they will, however their default setting is one of waiting for the other shoe to drop.

The opposite of this is someone who is always optimistic. No matter what, something good will come of the situation/opportunity.  Even though they might experience a difficult situation and be down initially it won’t keep them down for long. They will return to their default setting of optimism. I also want to note that someone who is optimistic is not being pollyannish about life or specific circumstances. They know that challenging opportunities will show up, however their approach to life will always be that of “knowing” they have the ability to work through and gain from what is intended for their personal growth and expansion.

From this point forward I will no longer refer to a  “default setting.” I realized it carries a negative charge because in the definition of default is the word failure. I don’t believe that because we have a default setting and return to it as our normal state of being that we in any way have failed. It means that this is where we are based on our experiences and beliefs of what is possible. So from here on we will refer to our “happiness meter.” For isn’t is true that the state of being we most want to experience consistently is that of happiness?  And no matter what the setting on our happiness meter, low, middle or high, happiness always exists.  We might not acknowledge it, embrace it, or fully experience it, but it is always present and available to us.

One of the keys to adjusting our happiness meter is accepting that we are in complete control of the level at which it is set.  There is no predetermined setting that we are to experience our whole life unless we settle for it. Our awareness of our happiness meter setting is another key and gives us the opportunity to decide where it is we wish to spend most of our time. Does it reflect the joy and happiness available to me in life? Does it reflect my belief  that I am the beneficiary of the goodness of life, or does it reflect my belief that I am a victim of all that is challenging or difficult in life?

Yes, we are influenced by the people, circumstances and events we find around us, however it is our response to our “environment” that determines the degree to which we experience and express happiness. A brief understanding of our environment is warranted here for not only am I speaking of the environment outside of ourselves, the world in which we live, but also our internal environment, that which resides in our heads and hearts. What thoughts and beliefs do you hold that determine the level at which your happiness meter is set? Is your happiness meter set where you desire it to be?

If I am in control of my happiness meter this must mean I can recalibrate it at anytime, right?  How do I do this? Once again it begins with an awareness of your current happiness meter setting. What is your most constant state of being?  As you move through out the day how do you most often feel? Are you caught up in the drama of life where you are more reactive than responsive? Do you experience more stress then calm?  Do you resist life or are you open to what life presents as an opportunity for your growth and expansion?  How often do you smile?

Our level of happiness is in direct correlation to our view of life and all it offers. Are we a victim to what we “believe” life throws at us, or are we a beneficiary of all that life offers? The events in people’s lives can be similar, however the experience can and will differ dramatically based on one’s perspective.

Change your thoughts and beliefs about your relationship to life and all it offers from one of struggle and challenge to one of opportunity and benefit, your happiness meter will reflect this higher state of being.  As you increasingly experience this higher state of being the door through which to experience and express more joy and happiness will be wide open allowing more opportuities to experience and express happiness to be received.

To your expanding experience and expression of happiness…….


Want to discover your “happiness setting” through a conversation with Jim Phillips? If so, click here to schedule.


  • diane frazier says:

    Hi JIm, thank you for sharing your “words of wisdom”! Reading your message was a great way to start my day today…lots of positive energy attached to it, and interesting thoughts to ponder as I head off to work this morning. Your messages are such a gift- thank you! Enjoy the beauty of the day! Diane

    Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2012 01:20:43 +0000 To:

  • AnaMaria says:

    Hi Jim, what a beautiful message, it fills me with enthusiasm and positivity. Thank you for your words and for sharing your wisdom, I can start my day now with an attitude totally focused on my well-being and happiness.
    Have a great day!

  • Mona Wargo says:

    Jim: Happy Labor Day—-always enjoy your inspirational messages. Sent along your newsletter to 7 people so they can benefit too! Thanks so much for sharing your insights.

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