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What is the state of the world? confusion-chaos-perfection

By October 12th, 2017No Comments

The appearance is that the world is outta whack. Conflicts, terrorist attacks, shooting rampages, police shootings and the US presidential election. Chaos seems to be the flavor of the day with far too many getting a taste.

As I was reflecting on all that I perceive to be happening around the world and the fear that usually results, I took note of where I was sitting and how calm and peaceful it was. Here I am in the midst of peace and quiet, yet in this country (US) and around the world events are taking place that are anything but peaceful.

What does it all mean? How did we, humanity, get to this point. Aren’t we supposed to be evolving? A question I am frequently asked is,” how do we cope with all that is happening in the world and live peacefully?” How can we cultivate peace when the world seems to be erupting in violence and anger?

As the questions played out in my mind I became aware of the following stream of consciousness which I simply call, Life is.

What if instead of questioning why this is happening to me, we ask why how this can benefit me? Why was I born into the circumstances into which I was born? Why am I having this experience? (life) Why was I born into this family? Why was I born into this race? Why was I born into this religion? Why was I born into this country? Why was I born into this body? Why was I born into these times? What is it that I can and am to gain from the experiences of this lifetime?

This is a difficult world in which we live and a difficult world through which to navigate, yet despite it all we have chosen to be here at this place and precise moment in time. Why? Because it offers exactly what each of us requires to gain the understanding and experience our Soul desires.

No one is any better off than another when it comes to the life experiences each is provided. It is only through the comparison and judgment of our own life experiences against another’s that this appears to be so.

There is a tendency within humanity to focus on the challenging, difficult and fearful aspects of life when in Truth peace, joy and love are more pervasive. Yes, there are areas and peoples in this world that are and have been in conflict for ages, but that is not reflective of the vast majority of this world and its people.

The media focus on conflict, terror and tragedy gives the appearance that this is the state of the world, which it is not. This is not to say that terrible things are not happening, however it is not the experience for most of us. And I am certainly not trying to over simplify or give less meaning to those things that do happen, especially to those who are directly involved and impacted.

The more attention and energy we put towards the destructive, fearful events of our time the more pervasive they seem and the more impact they have on our lives. This is in essence the theory and intention behind terrorism. Make the people believe the world is a terrible frightening place and they will live in fear. Make the people believe that if they do this or don’t do then this “terrible” thing will happen.

“When we live in fear we give away the power we each have to create
and live the life we so desire, individually and collectively.”

Whether we want to admit it or not we perpetuate the illusion and thereby the experience of fear by the thoughts and beliefs we hold and subsequently share. By writing about, talking about and acting from fear we feed it the power that sustains it.

“What we are in agreement with we bring into the world.”

When we agree that the world is messed up, scary or evil we perpetuate this experience. If we truly want to live peaceful lives we must place our focus on those things in life that represent to us peace, love, harmony and beauty. When we focus on these images and feelings and we send the energy of them out into the world peace, love, harmony and beauty is what we receive and experience in return.

This is not about letting those who commit crimes and atrocities do so without consequence. They must be dealt with in an appropriate manner. However, we must change our perspective and belief about life and humanity if we are to change the way life unfolds and is experienced.

History repeats itself because no one pays attention. We say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. When will we finally understand that all of the events that take place in this world take place because of us, humanity. And that it is us, and only us, that can change the way the world will be experienced as we move on.

When we get to the tipping point of enough people accepting responsibility, individually and collectively, for the events in the world and our personal lives, the change I believe we desire will become our lived experience.

In spite of all that I have written, in spite of all of the apparent challenges, injustices and perceived misfortunes of life I still believe with all of my heart;

Life is perfect despite evidence to the contrary~ Jim Phillips Share on X


Until next time,

JP_Logo Gold



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