It is amazing the thoughts I receive while walking in the early morning hours. A time when all is quiet, my mind is clear and I make myself available to whatever to receive whatever guidance I am given. Many times it is a thought of a single word that will expand into its meaning.…
Do you believe yourself to be a victim of life or a beneficiary of life? Do you believe the world to be a friendly or hostile place? Whatever your perspective, it determines your life experience. As a victim of life, a person believes that life or the Universe is against…
L iving the life imagined. What thoughts or images come to mind as you consider this? Do you see images of more money, a nicer house, better relationships, improved health, your dream job? As you allow these images and thoughts to flow through your mind do you readily accept them or…
T he appearance is that the world is outta whack. Conflicts, war, terrorism, mass shootings, police shootings, disinformation, severe weather, immigration concerns, gaslighting and all that is happening within government. Chaos seems to be the flavor of the day with far too many getting a taste. As I was reflecting…
I have listened to a lot of motivational speakers. I have been moved by the stories and impressed by the ability of the speakers who present them. There is much to be gained by hearing of the difficult experiences of others and how they moved beyond them. And yet, something…
I f you are like most folks you have been considering changes you might make in 2025. Of course since we don’t like the word change we make resolutions to do or not do certain things. We will behave in a different way. We will exercise more. We will become more…
T he Magical, Mystical and Majesty of LIFE are three aspects of life that allow for the fullest experience and expression of the truth of who we are. When we are fully engaged in life with a sense of awe and wonder for all that it offers we are assured…
A re you serious, defending misery at the expense of happiness? Who would do that? Why would someone do that? I think you will see why and how as we continue this discussion. But first, let’s look at what is meant by misery. An official definition of misery according to…
H umans of every walk of life have a nagging longing to make a difference in the lives or others, in Truth, to make a difference in the world. But how do we know if we are, or better yet, how do we make that difference? This question is one I…
A s we approach the last few months of the year many will begin to reflect on the events of the year and the impact those events have had on our individual and collective lives. We begin to consider how things might be made better and what we believe we could…
T he fall of humanity is a metaphor for a season in our lives, a time of transition and reflection. By simply being aware of what Fall represents in Nature, as one of her many expressions, we are shown how we might live in full expression by enjoying, embracing and allowing…
Isn’t it interesting how we complain about what shows up in life when in truth we are responsible for it showing up. Yes, I know you didn’t choose the boss you have, but you did choose the job and you are now choosing to remain there. “But I can’t just…